Please note: gift bag may vary.
3 x 10ml Essential Oil in Seasonal Gift Box. Incl. Organic Pine, Thyme and Pino Mugo oils.
All 3 essential oils contain only 100% pure organic essential oils and are ideal for natural room fragrancing. Also available to purchase individually.
Pino Mugo oil
Properties: antiasthmatic, antineuralgic, analgesic, antiseptic, anti-viral, balsamic, cardiotonic, blood tonic, expectorant, rubefacient., analgesic, antiseptic, anti-viral, diuretic.
Skincare: deodorizing, cleansing, healing/relieves itching and irritation.
Muscular: muscular pain, arthritis, and rheumatism.
Nervous: relieve mental, physical fatigue.
Reproductive: it is very useful to relieve sexual fatigue too.
Respiratory: it helps with bronchitis, catarrh, colds, flu and other respiratory complaints. Pine Oil tends to lower bronchial secretions and accelerate the local movement.
Cosmetic use: due to the stimulating effect on skin and blood vessels Mountain Pine oil is a main ingredient in massage oils, soaps, shower gels and is good for foot care.
Used as a fragrance component in soaps, detergents, cosmetics, toiletries (especially bath products) and, to a limited extent, perfumes.
Use as a disinfectant: Pine oil disinfectants are relatively inexpensive and widely available.
Have a cleansing and clearing effect on a room.
Culinary use
A recent trend is an increase in the use of the Mugo Pine in cooking. The cones and buds gradually drip syrup, which is then boiled down to a concentrate and combined with sugar to make pine syrup.
Very suitable for inhalations.
Steam inhalation: Place 1 or 2 drops in a bowl of hot water or a proprietary steamer.
Put 3 -4 drops into the fragrance lamp or humidifier of the radiator in order to improve your indoor room quality and have a soothing effect on your respiratory problems.
In the bath: the oil can be used as supportive therapy in cases of rheumatic diseases (Rimpler H.1999, Grabmann J 2005). For a full-body bath up to 6 drops and 1-2 drops for a footbath.
Sauna: antiseptic, antiviral, flu and colds - 5-10 drops of Pine oil on every 500 ml water.
Massage: In case of cold, to enhance circulation - 25 ml base oil ( almond, apricot kernel, grape seed, avocado ) max 8 drops of pine oil.
Burners: Use 2 drops in the burner.
Aroma Spray: for deodorizing, disinfecting, cleaning the air – 15-20 drops of pine oil in 250ml water, shake the bottle and spray the room.
It can be used in vapor therapy.
Thyme oil
Properties: antiseptic, antifungal, antispasmodic, astringent, digestive, expectorant, emmenagogue, hypertensive, mucolytic, nervine, stimulant, tonic.
Skin: thyme oil is used for its hydrating effect and is recommended for acne, oily skin, boils.
Muscular: The warming effect of this oil can help in cases of poor circulation, as well as for arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscular aches and pains, sprains and sports injuries.
Nervous: Thyme oil helps memory and concentration and can relieve exhaustion and combat depression. It also helps with headaches and stress. The oil is nerve tonic and a mental stimulant.
Aromatic lamp: tonic, bactericide, insect - 5-6 drops of thyme.
Aroma Pendant: pain relief, low blood pressure, against viral infections – 1-2 drops of thyme.
Gargle: for colds, tonsillitis, cough - 1 cup of hot water 1-2 drops of thyme.
Bath: tonic, aphrodisiac - For a full-body bath up to 6 drops.
Sauna: for skin cleansing, antiviral - 10 drops of Thyme in 500 ml water.
Steam Inhalation: cold, wrinkle reduction - place 1 or 2 drops in a bowl of hot water or a proprietary steamer and breathe for 10 minutes.
Massage: for fatigue, stimulating blood circulation, fever - 25 ml base oil (Almond, Avocado, Apricot, Grapeseed) max 8 drops of Thyme.
Shampoo and hair mask: against hair loss, dandruff - as a general rule for creams, shampoos, gels etc use 1 or 2 drops per 5ml.
Foot Bath: to remove perspiration and odours, fungi – 1-2 drops for a footbath.
Aroma spray: for toning, disinfection, insect repellent – 15-20 drops of thyme in 250 ml water, shake the bottle and spray the room.
Pine oil
Pine may help with respiratory infections, muscular pain, colds, sinusitis, coughs, nervous exhaustion, mental fatigue, sore throats, arthritis, and rheumatism. Pine is also well known for its use in cleaning products.
Use as a disinfectant: Pine oil disinfectants are relatively inexpensive and widely available. They are effective against Brevibacterium ammoniagenes, the fungus Candida albicans, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, gram-negative enteric bacteria, household germs, gram-negative household germs such as those causing salmonellosis, herpes simplex types 1 and 2, influenza type A, influenza virus type A/Brazil, influenza virus type A2/Japan, intestinal bacteria, Klebsiella pneumonia, odor-causing bacteria, mold, mildew, Pseudomonas aerug Chemically.
It is also effective against several of the leading causes of food poisoning.
Aroma pendant: toning, strengthening the immune system, refreshing – 1-2 drops of pine.
Steam Inhalation: colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis - place 1 or 2 drops in a bowl of hot water or a proprietary steamer and inhaled for 10 minutes.
Bath: refreshing – For a full-body bath up to 6 drops and 1-2 drops for a foot bath at 28 ˚- 35 ˚ C for 10 min.
Sauna: antiseptic, antiviral, flu and colds – 10 drops of Pine in every 500 ml water.
Massage: In case of cold, to enhance circulation - 25 ml base oil ( almond, apricot kernel, grape seed, avocado ) max 8 drops of pine oil.
Aroma Spray: for deodorizing, disinfecting, cleaning the air – 15-20 drops of pine oil in 250ml water, shake the bottle and spray the room.
Shampoo and hair mask: against hair loss and dandruff - as a general rule for creams, shampoos, gels, etc use 1 or 2 drops per 5ml.
One FREE box
How to use:
Use in an essential oil burner, aromatherapy diffuser, room sprays est.
See under individual products for more information.
Pine may help with respiratory infections, muscular pain, colds, sinusitis, coughs, nervous exhaustion, mental fatigue, sore throats, arthritis, and rheumatism. Pine is also well known for its use in cleaning products.